The editions “metamorphosi” is a publishing effort seeking to bring Greek readers in contact with titles related to our physical, psychical but mostly spiritual transfiguration.
This effort aims at a qualitative and creative exploration of our inner cultivation through selected works, far from any prejudices or bigotries.
Works that can remind, awake and encourage our existential need for completeness and fulfillment˙ created by people who have responded to their inner call, thus experiencing their own inner journey. A spiritual journey that everyone’s soul long to make.
Even though our age, in its fast pace and its numerous distractions, seems to prevent us from spending even a little time reading a book, the study of soul-salutary readings constitutes an oasis for our thirsty souls, and remains thus always opportune and requisite.
Therefore we hope that with these books we will respond to this deep shared need for an essential, full of meaning and love, existence.